Up to present, I have mainly blogged about our journey from Lincolnshire to Cornwall, but I have also recently embarked on another journey, a weight-loss and healthy 'new me' journey
I have tried Slimming World before - and it worked, but I made excuses about not having time, difficulties in preparing meals when I am also cooking gluten-free for AJ and Neil and vegan for Amy - any excuse really to put it aside and sink back into eating the usual staples and a few too many treats
I live in Cornwall for crying out loud, it would be positively rude to not sample all the many variations on the Cornish Pasty, all those scrumptious scones with luscious thick cream and extra fruity jam, not to mention the absolutely wonderful ciders
But.. since my last foray into the world of speed foods and syns I have gained the pounds I had lost and a few extra too
As usual it was dear hubby who took the brunt of my moaning about clothes not fitting, my huffing and puffing as I tried to walk ( there aren't many flat areas in Cornwall) and the deep sighs as I once again binged on something naughty and then regretted it the moment it had passed my lips
So, as a surprise ( and to no doubt stop my whinging ) Neil enrolled me at our local group and paid three months worth of subscriptions up front (no excuses now !)
Elaine and the girls all made me feel incredibly welcome and so the first step was taken
I am three weeks in and loving it
One of the key tools I have started using to keep me on track ( as well as my food diary and my fit log) has been to menu plan for at least a week and do all the shopping in one go ( on a full stomach so that I don't get tempted)
Here's this weeks menu plan which does include a recipe or two out of this months magazine
I am still at the stage where I have to keep checking my food optimising book
I am not terribly rigid with what I have on a particular day, sometimes I swap the meals around a little depending on what I fancy, but I know I have all the ingredients to hand and that the syns are already worked out for my main meals
Here are some of the meals I have been enjoying in the last couple of weeks
Slimming World quiche with a huge salad, the only syns are in the mayo ( lighter than light Helman's)
Most of my breakfasts now include fruit of some description, this time it was a couple of bananas, fat-free yoghurt and mixed berries

An alternative accompaniment to the slimming world quiche - mushrooms, new potatoes and baked beans, all free and unlimited
And a new ( to me) recipe - diet cola chicken with wholegrain rice, this was sooooooo tasty and syn free
Homemade chicken kievs with steamed veggies
Huge mixed salad, always free and also a speed food, I added ham to this and a balsamic dressing
Spicy Thai beef and vegetable rice - again totally syn free
Fruit platters are becoming one of my favourite 'go-to's 'for either breakfast or a light lunch
Baked basil cod with roast tomatoes and garlicky mash
And tonights meal was Slimming World fish and chips, asparagus, tomatoes and peas
Most of my meals are syn free or very low in syns, this leaves me plenty of room to have a drink or two at the weekend and treats during the day, I snack on popcorn, a little cheese, fruit or muller light yoghurts
I have not yet been hungry and I have really enjoyed trying lots of new recipes, and the bonus is that I have managed to quite easily adapt the recipes for both the gluten free and the vegan peeps
And finally the stats
Starting weight (12.8.15) - 13st 2lb
Current weight 12st 12.5lb
In the last three weeks I have slowly but surely lost a grand total of 5lb
I am aiming to get to 10st and my Club 10 weight is 11st 12.5lb
So, I have a long way to go, but to be honest, this time it doesn't feel like a diet
So thankyou to Neil for my subscription, Elaine for being so supportive and so fun and all the girls for their warm welcome
Love and lighter living
It doesn't look like a diet either - it's all too scrumptious. Good luck with your weight loss x