The sun continues to shine today and the temperature is definitely much more springlike, no need for coats today, so we took our opportunity and headed out for a stroll around the local countryside.
Dogs on leads and a spring in our step we set off through St Blazey and towards the hills you can see behind our local church
The walk takes you to The Eden Project, we weren't actually going to the project but we intended walking up to it, along one side of the perimeter and back towards our home town in a large loop.
We passed all manner of wildlife along the way, in addition to the usual birds and bees we saw a field of Alpacas
A little further on we found some donkeys
Wandering down this little lane, a pheasant strolled quite oblivious to us or the dogs
We encountered some more donkeys on our way home, these were very friendly and headed over to the fence as soon as they saw us
Looking back towards the Eden Project, which you can't see as it is completely hidden in a huge basin but you can see one of the St Austell clay pyramids in the very far distance. The pyramid looks insignificant here but is in fact enormous and very imposing when you get nearer.
We stopped at a farm on the way home and indulged in some local duck eggs, I love the way we have so many honesty boxes in the area, you can buy all manner of farm produce, plant and flowers, jams and chutneys. On leaving the farm we had a distinct feeling of being watched, no CCTV here to keep an eye on the honesty box just some very inquisitive cows peering over the hedge
Back home and someone is all tuckered out from the excitement of the walk
Love and long country walks